2 months in …

Well, Noah just got back from his 2 month checkup with his pediatrician today. He now weighs 12 lbs, 13 oz and is 26 inches long! The doctor said he’s going to be a tall boy. I can believe it! Noah had his first Thanksgiving and got to meet all his aunts and uncles and some cousins last weekend. He was such a good baby the entire time. We can’t wait to return to IL for Christmas (yeah, even though that car trip is darn long).

He’s going to be spoiled at Christmas, that’s for sure. Mom and dad can’t resist buying him things.

That’s the update for Noah. Thanks for visiting his website and don’t forget to check it for new pictures every week! Noah’s mom loves to take pictures of him:)

Wow. Is Noah growing or what!!

I took him to his doctor yesterday for his one month checkup. He is up to 10 lbs. 8 oz and 23 inches. He has gained 3 lbs in one month. What a chunk!

Noah’s days consist of sleeping, eating, diaper changes and the occasional playing with mom and dad while laying on his play mat and flailing his arms and legs and cooing. He’s started to follow us with his eyes and smile at us now. Before his smiles were just gas, but they were still pretty cute though.

Max (the cat) is doing well with the baby as long as he gets some attention during the days and evenings too. Usually if one of us is holding Noah, the other is holding Max.

We’re trying to get a small movie clip of Noah uploaded to the page but the file is really big. Our web developer will certainly try to do his best.

Well, that’s the update on Noah. What a cutie!


Officially, Noah’s mom

Wow. I can’t believe I’m actually a mom. I never thought that I would see this day!

Labor started late Monday morning with a contractions really far apart. At about 11:00 p.m. they were 5 min. apart so we headed to the hospital only to get there and they slowed down and I wasn’t dilated far enough so I was sent home. Contractions continued through the night sporadically and got stronger on Tuesday, which we again headed to the hospital at around 6:30 p.m. and this time I was ready to go. My epidural was started around 8:00 p.m. and before we knew it was time to push and Noah was there at 12:01 Wednesday morning. The only complication I had was when I delivered the placenta I also delivered my uterus, which is not supposed to happen! It’s called an inverted uterus where the placenta doesn’t detach and the uterus turns inside out and comes out too. Anyway, the doctor was able to “shove” it back in, which as horribly painful even with anesthesia. Noah was also having trouble breathing so he was taken away to the NICU for a couple hours. Nate was able to go to the NICU and take some photos of Noah. The nurse brought Noah to me after I was settled into another hospital room and he was breathing just fine.

My last diary entry was one of a frustrated overdue pregnant lady. This one is one of an elated proud parent. Noah is such a blessing. Yes, even at 3 a.m. when he decides to keep us awake I’m still happy to have him. I may be looking at this pretty one sided but he really is a beautiful baby. He loves to cuddle and doesn’t like to have his diaper changed.

No one is sure who he looks like. I think he may be a good mixture of both Nate and I. He has the cutest face and he looks like a little elf when he has a hat on. His feet are HUGE for a baby’s feet. He must have our families’ big feet syndrome!

Nate has been a wonderful father and partner through all this. He was wonderful during my labor and he’s always doing something for the baby or holding him. God blessed me with a wonderful husband and best friend.

Well, that’s the update on my experience so far. Hope to hear from you soon!

Noah’s mom

Still waiting for Noah

Well, as you can see because I’m writing this diary entry on the 24th, Noah decided not to come early or on time this weekend. How frustrating! I want so much to meet the little guy. Nate is equally as anxious.

I do have to say, I still feel pretty good. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to be feeling though. I cleaned the entire house on Saturday and baked some casseroles and cookies on Sunday. I’m still doing my exercise regimen thinking that somehow it will help start labor and get through it faster. Today was my first day off work and let me tell you , I was bored out of my mind. I have a doctor appt. tomorrow afternoon and I’m going to have to tell the M.D. it’s all her fault that I’m past my due date now. She said she thought I would go this weekend. Bah.

Nate’s birthday is today and he was hoping that Noah would make an appearance. Noah just has to have his own birthday. I can tell he’s going to be stubborn already.

That’s the update for now. No pains, no nothing, just lots of anxiety and waiting. Rest assured that pictures will be posted on this website as soon as we get home from the hospital!

It’s going to be a boy

Yeah! We finally had the sonogram today! It was pretty neat to finally see the baby’s arms, legs, head, face, spine, you know, all those body parts. Everything was so clear.

We also decided to find out the sex of the baby and it’s a boy. I’m not sure how the sonographer figured it out but she was pretty sure of it so I’ll accept her word for it. We’ve decided to name him Noah James.

Mom is feeling great- not even looking or feeling pregnant. I hope this lasts for the entire pregnancy! I realize the looking part probably won’t last but I’m enjoying not having to wear maternity clothes just yet. Some of those clothes aren’t too becoming.

Well, that’s all for my diary entry. Hope you’re all having a wonderful spring. It’s hot out here in Kansas.

Sharon (aka: mom)

Sonogram #1 (5/14/2001)
Sonogram #2 (5/14/2001)
Sucking his fingers

First post from Mom

God must have decided that Nate and I were getting to set in our ways. Wow, we’re having a baby! I can’t believe it! I still don’t look or even feel the least bit pregnant besides being hungry at all hours of the day. I’m starting on my 13th week so maybe I’ll start showing here pretty soon.

It’s excited to think about but exhausting to realize all that has to be done before the baby arrives. We should have a busy summer ahead of us finishing a room in the basement so we can move the office downstairs and put the baby’s room upstairs on the main living level. The baby won’t actually be in that room much but we sure won’t have time to work on the baby’s room after the arrival.

As for finding out what the sex of the baby is, I think we’re going to find out. Maybe we’ll wait with our second child but the first one is just too exciting to not know.

Well, that’s all for now. Gotta go, I’m hungry:)

Sharon (aka: mom)