The first post…

So I never thought I’d start a blog. But, Nate says I should and encouraged me to give it a try. After all, blogs are cool and after being at home I’m getting less and less cool everyday, right ? So, here goes.

Dominic is up late this evening and Nate is at a meeting at the school so I watched a couple of very disturbing Law and Order episodes. Every time I watch that show I get freaked out. Not sure why I turned it on. Yes, I was subjecting Dominic to violent images on TV. Really, he just enjoys being up with me and being talked to and cuddled with the whole evening. Not to mention unlimited nursing feast while while my fat arse is glued to the chair for the entire time. Sometimes it’s just nice to veg out and watch pointless TV.

Speaking of my fat arse, I decided to do the Weight Watchers system and started Sunday, Jan. 3. It’s been 8 years since I’ve done the point system but it all comes back to mind quickly. The system I’m using is to start my points at 4 p.m. everyday instead of in the mornings. Hopefully this will mentally fool me.

Four of the kids are sick with a stomach virus. Not sure where it came from but it’s here. Noah stayed home from school today and it looks like Calvin will probably miss preschool tomorrow. The worst thing is that they feel fine other than all of the sudden they throw up or have uncontrollable diarrhea with no notice at all. Other than that, they’re running around here like banchees having the time of their lives. Noah says he’s not ready to go back to school but I really think he just wants to stay home and play with the Legos and DS again tomorrow. I’m betting he’s getting on that bus tomorrow morning 🙂


“Nostalgia’s nice enough in little bitty doses, it puts personal peach fuzz on the hard ass of history…”

— Bobby Case in Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates – Tom Robbins

Milford Track, New Zealand

I saw this awesome looking trail in New Zealand.  While I doubt I’ll ever be able to make it to some place like this.  I think it would be the journey of a lifetime.


On the poor use of grammer

It’s a matter of usage. If a house is off-plumb and rickety and lets in the wind, you blame the mason, not the bricks. Our words are up to the job. It’s our syntax that’s limiting.”

— Switters in Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates – Tom Robbins

Puff the Magic Dragon

Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea,
and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee

Little Jackie Paper, loved that raskel Puff
and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff.
A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys
painted wings and giant’s rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened Jackie Paper came no more
and Puff that Mighty Dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

You have no idea how much that last part about little boys not living forever hurts when you have a little boy who at 6 months old already seems to be growing up too fast. When I sing that song to Noah, I choke up just a little when I sing that part.

I know that he’s only 6 months old and I have a lot of his growing up to live through yet, but maybe that’s what’s the scariest part. I’ve only just begun the journey. I’m certainly excited about watching him grow up, but I fear the day when he stops being a little boy and doesn’t want to play with POP the magic dragon.