Wow, Spring is FINALLY approaching! We had our first 50 degree day today. Being outside with light jackets was so great. The kids even played outside until it was time for supper. We were able to complete the pruning on all the fruit trees and grape vines too. All the kids, except Dominic of course, took all the branches to the burn pile and Noah even cleaned up the whole winter’s worth of dog doo in our yard. It was a very needed outdoor spring cleanup day.

Nate was also able to run more electrical for more outlets for the girls’ room. It is coming along slowly as he is only able to work on the room on weekends and that’s when our calendar has nothing on it. We’re fast approaching Patrick’s due date and we’re getting nervous he’ll come early and the room won’t be done. The girls have been great but quarters are tight and we’ll be glad to have them back in their own room and all their things back in order. They are very excited about having a girly pink and purple room! Plus we just can’t fit a lot of stuff in our room so most of their toys are in storage and they really do miss them. Although Marie’s stuffed hippo collection is still very prevalent and living at the base of our bed. I’ll have to post a before picture if I can find one of the lovely orange flowered peeling wallpaper and 1930’s green carpet in the girls’ room. It’s going to look like a different room just with some new paint and flooring. We’ve decided to do the boys’ room next, probably during May and Nate will take some vacation time so we can get it all done in one week while the kids are all in school. And by May I’ll be able to physically function again!