Health Care Crisis Redux

I recently made a post on Facebook about my frustration with the 45% rise in my family’s health insurance premiums which I blame in part on the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) legislation called Obamacare by many including President Obama.  I was surprised at the number of people who chided me about it either in the comments or privately.  Since many of them apparently didn’t want to discuss their points openly, I’ll respect that and post here a response based on what I sent to them directly.  I certainly understand their decision to support Obamacare, and many of them had very well laid out reasons why it was the best option.  I have much less problem with the particulars of the bill we’re now feeling the effect of and more problem with the entire approach that was taken to the health care situation.  I had similar thoughts way back in 2008, but I wasn’t called to Washington 🙂  I have two big issues with these new health insurance legislations.
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